随着COVID-19全球大流行的蔓延,许多国家采取了出入境限制及入境14天隔离政策,船东和海员组织呼吁联合国帮助促进实现海员的正常更换。 国际航运公会(ICS)和国际运输工人联合会(ITF)要求联合国相关组织向海员提供像航空公司机组人员和医务人员一样的“关键工人”身份。 在给国际海事组织、国际劳工组织、联合国贸易与发展会议和世界卫生组织的信中写道:“海员应该得到特别的考虑,尽管需要遵守紧急健康协议,但在寻求往返于他们的船只时,要以务实和理解的态度对待他们。” 海运承载了全球贸易的90%,包括医疗用品,大约10万名海员需要正常换班。最近,几家大的航运公司,包括马士基和TORM宣布他们已经取消了近期的船员更换。据报道,目前情况下,船只被要求提前向港口当局提交医疗记录。此外,多达20个港口拒绝为停靠过意大利或中国的船只提供靠泊。 在这个全球危机的时代,保持供应链开放、海上贸易和运输畅通比以往任何时候都更加重要,这需要保持世界港口的开放,便利商船的往来,为船员的更换尽可能的减少障碍。 周四国际航运公会(ICS)召集其他行业组织,召开专门为处理船员换班的问题的会议。 国际航运公会(ICS)秘书长Guy Platten 强调“这次会议不会是‘一次性’的,而是我们一系列定期电话会议的开始,以应对我们的海员和全球航运界面临的重大挑战,我们希望确保该行业面临的所有问题都能得到共同解决。” 除了以上国际航运组织的呼吁和努力,一些航运人士也通过个人发文的形式表达海员应该得到的重视和尊重。 Frank J Coles Wallem Group CEO: A million seafarers are out at sea delivering cargo and keeping world commerce moving to the best of their ability. Where would we be without these seafarers in the midst of this worldwide confused state of affairs. As in so many other occasions seafarers and ships plough on while the world panics. Yet seafarers are treated as pariahs in ports when they want to go ashore. Seafaring is an important career but it is a forgotten and ignored role in the world economy. Jay K Pillai Director Pacific Basin: Seafarers should be allowed to join and leave ships on completion of their tour of duty from any port without any restrictions to take rest re-unite with their family and re-juvenate. Being a seafarer for 21 years with long contracts of 6 to 12 months on merchant ships I do understand the pain of not being able to get back home after completion of the tour of duty as per Seafarers Employment Agreement.